IM NOT GONNA LIEE.....heres da truth....this has prolly been one of the hardest weeks n all of my life....but most importantly its been one of the best weeks with da lord!! he has been sooooo faithful! i feel like i am learnin n just opening my eyes to some new incredible things dat ive never thought of before!! da first week i was here as u know i got super i thought...sweet da lord is breakin me physically dat means hes got somethin hudge n i must just surrender my all to i did...i really wanted to go home dat first not gonna lie..but da lord used matt 26:11 to strengthen n really just give me confidence n being here n hungary away from all dat is goin on at home.... it says da poor u will have always, but me u do not have always....n i will not always have this opportunity to b here n hungary full emersed wit believers n da word...i need to take hold of this time even if i dont want to b...even if i want to b wit da poor...which is good..but da lord has called me here to learn for dat time to come... its been an incredible journey alread n ive only been here for wat..3 weeks?
like i said its been a rough not gonna lie... it seemed as though everytime something came up n finally started to settle down...another thing would pop up n rock my world once again...i was at a point one night that i felt nothin...i felt that nothin could get worse... every single person i loved n cherished was fallin apart... n i was soo far away from anyone that could comfort me or encourage wouldn't know now its cause da lord was makin me loose controll...i reaized i cant talk, do or even see n e one n make n e thing better... every single situation was out of my hands...the only thing i had was his promises... HE IS TRUTH... HIS WORDS ARE TRUTH...n da promises n da bible started to come alive right n fromt of me...he would never give me n e thing i couldn't handle, he would protect me, he would love me when i felt unloved, he would promise to be there for me!! ive known these things n have felt each one n i know they r true..but i have never been n da position that every single one was soooo alive n so plain n simple...n every single one of my classes....minor prophets, philipians, hebrews, devos, chucktracks...n it all this one thing has stuck out to me...n i start to laugh know when i hear it cause he has been reminding me all matter wat circumstances our lives r matter wat changes we go through, or wat we r feeling....the truth of wat he did on da cross has stayed! it remains through everything.... it will never change, there will never b a day dat i will wake up n for a moment think he didnt die for will always b will haunt me n a good way... after being stripped away from everything, mental n physical, from family friends to bein across da world.... I ONLY HAVE DA PROMISES OF DA CROSS... so finally its friday now n i can fully rest n his arms...its like n hebrews says every house is built by someone..but he who builds all things is GOD. ive realized wat is my house built upon? upon da fact that i know jesus loves me n is always there? or is it dat i BELIEVE with all my heart n i have felt da HS there...he is my house...its differetn than just wat ur house is built upon cause..everything will b washed away n jesus will remain..but if da lord builds ur will not be shaken!! i had da foundation of christ...he was my rock..but this week my house was shaken n parts were startin to crumble...da lord had to come n rebuild my house for me..strengthen my faith!! knowin dat i have nothin and am nothin...but the only thing i have is jesus christ... wow dat amazing! when u r soo comforted by such a simple idea...dat we all know for years... but just hits u differently... so theres a lil of wats been goin on n my heart..
1 comment:
Awesome. Praise the LORD!
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