Monday, September 29, 2008

days in spain....

here are a few pictures of mine.. some of the girls and i went to palma last week and it poured, like, POURED rain. so, we decided to make it a photo opportunity :)
oh, and my roomie melissa and i were tackling the shower in dorm cleaning together.. haha wit till you see pictures of how small my fridge is.... :)

love you guys!


Jeff and Aimee said...

The top photo looks like something out of a music video except for the mascara running down your faces. You all are still gorgeous, wet and all.

The Bagley Bunch said...

aha---the rain pictures are AWESOME! We miss you here too! Love you girl.
<>< VB

Anonymous said...

hey dude adriana, the other day at work I was so...upset...let s use nice words we re all christians here ...very nice, so I was at work, my buss person did not show up so imagine, just me doin' it all, I was pretty concentrated on my bitter thoughts when this man came towards me with the biggest smile and gave me a hug, it was I m jokin,..loked like him, :) was your.., your man! He s so cool, you better get married to him cuz dude he kind of is the bomb! :) besides Jake-he's the diggity bomb!
And mandy quit s ok...with pumpkin or without you're still americanos!! hey dude do u remember last time when we went to the pumpkin was funnnnnnn :)) So what did the brown cow say to the brown chicken??!!
I GOTTA sounds like retardation!