so as ive been here in spain its been amazing!! i cant complain too much... seriously though... the weather... amazing... the scenery... spectacular... the people... incredible... the whole experience has been sweet. but i still miss america... i didnt think i really would miss america.. but i do.. i miss the culture and the excitement of the holidays... it has recently hit me that there will not be a halloween this year... nor will there be a true thanksgiving with turkey...
this week i was thinking about pumpkins.. pumpkin pie, pumpkin spices, pumpkin patches!!! if you have gone, or going to the pumpkin patch... take pictures!!! and please send them... i wanna see the joy living in your lives since i cant... :( but i really do want to see all the cute faces!!! please send them... manfree136@yahoo.com
I can send a pic of the pumpkin we got from the pumpkin patch. Guess what we are getting a house! I mean actually buying a house that we can grow into!!!
Wassup ladies! You two are as bad as me at blogging! You are blog slackers! Miss you guys! Time is flying and I can't wait to see you guys! I continually pray that you are being blessed in your time in Espana! - tom
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