Friday, September 5, 2008


Andrea said...

K girls, so I miss you already!! Sorry I didn't get a chance to say good-bye, so good-bye! Have fun and you both look so beautiful! And I will be praying for Spain :)

thesix said...

can you believe that you both are there? Man you lucky dog world travelers.... eat it up! It is MUY BONITA BABY!

praying hard!

Anonymous said...

Okay so if I had and extra thousand dollars hanging around I would so be there for a week. I can't believe you are going to be living there until December. Make sure you have enough fun for me. I want to see a lot of pictures! :) I will be talking to you. Next time we talk on the computer I want you to show me the view from your window with the computer camera. Talk to you soon.

Leanne said...

Chicas!!!! I miss you both tons and tons and tons! It is so weird to me that you guys are so far away, and yet we have the ability to have instant communication. Wild! I love it! Sorry that I don't have Skype again...our computer issues are never ending. Sigh.

I know that God is going to do some amazing things in you and through you this next semester. And he will be training you up to be used for the rest of your lives!

Grace and Peace to you in our Sweet Savior!