So, moral of the story.. DO NOT BITE YOUR CUTICLES .... or you will get an infection. So i woke up the other day to find 9 fingers... 9FINGERS?!?! .. yes, 9, and one that was the size of my face! ugh... so i asked around and they rushed me to Brenda to see if i could get it lanced.... okay, so the term lanced is new to me. at forst i was down with it... and then i see this lady come to me with a hot needle and a hand to squeeze. yes yes yes, she proceeded to stick it into the hot tip of my finger which was discolored by the green puss and blood, more formerly known as my middle finger. As she opened it, she squeezed it, and asked me if it hurt. I as politely as i could said, "Uh huh. yes. yup. sure. oh yeah" As i thought it was all coming to an end, i learned it was only the beginning, because she told me that nothing came out and that we need to surface it more so that we can drain it later.
So, this has been my life for that last three days. I have discovered a local chemist "pharmacist" here, which politely gives perscriptioned drugs over the counter. So, my friend Paul told me i had a "gordo finger" and got me some Pennisylan.. of so he thinks. haha but, ive been taking them and it seems to have gone down. so im happy.
but yes people, dont bite your cuticles in spain... it just wraps you up.
with love and a fat finger,
sister that is sooo nasty. i hope you learned your lesson :D
love ya
Ok, so here in the states we have this little thing called a fingernail clipper. I'll send you one. You should have gone with the story about the bull riding.
Aunt Katrina
Unfortunately, I'm familiar with pus-filled phalanges. Tobias was a thumb sucker and when he was about a year and a half, his thumb got infected where his teeth dug in. It was so nasty. Try explaining to a toddler why his thumb is oozing green stuff and tastes bad. Ewww. At least it cured him of a bad habit. Maybe you're cured of yours now, too!
ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow
i bite my cuticles all the time...
im scared now
aye aye aye... didn't i teach you anything! eeeewww... i hope it's all better soon.
owwww! I bit my finger once, it got infected 2 but not that bad =o ouch, hope it gets better soon!
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