Wednesday, March 19, 2008

this ones for aimeeeeeeeee

hey guys sorry....ive been really busy... im leavin for austria n a couple hrs!!! crazy. me n 8 other friends r rentin a van n cruzin up to the castle there... so please wit a bunch of guys who say they know how to drive n "know" how to get it will b interesting...haha i might b darin n snowboard n the alps...but ill prolly chicken out... but it will b meeting up wit some friends from murietta who r goin to the germany campus...
so i pretty much shaved my joke... ;) just the back...i wanted to get pics up before i left but it just didnt happen... but when i get back it will b top priority....just ask adrianna...she's seen it... its sick!! three lines shaved n each side...pretty awesome!...
so pray for me also im playin bass n singin for tomorrows devos...( every thurs...) but tomorrow we will b playin BIG HOUSE oh u know....come n go wit me to my father's house..... offff its gonna b sick!! we practiced today n its off the walls...pray dat the lord will receive this song wit as much laughter as we r playin it!! we love sing wit the joy he gives us!!
well im out...i still have to do 6 chuck track...pack...2 classes... n worship!! ahhh.... peace out
mandy...aka... chief :)


Anonymous said...

I've seen the hair...not as scary as it sounds :) You are always so beautiful. You go girl! Try those alps, we are all praying and look forward to some pics. Happy Easter! Love, Mom

Jeff and Aimee said...

Thanks Mandyyyyyyyyy for fitting the rest of us dullards into your jet set life style. Wow, snowboarding in the Alps and Euro-punk hairstyles? Have fun. :)