So guys... this is the ninth day we have been here and the natives are getting restless.
today we had our IBS class and have to prepare a bible study for tomorrow. Pray that Adrianna or I won't get pickd to present it infront of the entire class 200 peeps!!
Afterward our friends chris and christine came out for lunch!! we had a great time piggin out at soup plantation!! oh my stomach still hurts. we also stocked up on the food there to take to college with us.. so we will not starve we have pizza and muffins plus christine made us cookies! thaks girlie you rock! (so if anyone would like to come visit we would appriciate it greatly!! we will even take you to the coffee shop!)
after that we came back and hung out at the coffee shop...which is where we are inhabiting at this moment in time. its really dark and i can't really see but oh well its only homework right? oh heres a sweet picture of the superman i drew on my folder the other day... its pro i think i might sell it on ebay after the semester is over..
6 comments: if you want some good food you should go to Ichiban, its right across the street from the school and the owner is super nice...well if you can speak japanese :D anyways its real good food, go and try it!
So uhhh....Bible Collge is teaching you two to steel.....first internet, then food.... HAHAHAHA what is this world coming to???? Love you guys! ;)
So...what does IBS stand for? Because the first thing I was thinking was, "Irritable Bowel Syndrome." Somebody should really tell them that......
Hey guys! You're grammar and spelling scare me, but I love reading your blog anyway. You sound like you're both half starved all the time, yet I know how resourceful you two can be when it comes to food and your need to have lots of it. Would you like me to start cutting coupons for you?
YHS is a different world without you crazies--miss you lots!
yipes--I just saw my own spelling--you two rub off fast!
SO there is so much I can say about this post but really all I want to know is..... is Superman REALLY too sexy for that class, he seems to think so! You guys crack me up! ut up bowling pictures!!!! I love you both SO MUCH! Be blessed!
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