so here we are, 3:35pm
tempurature approx 93 deeezgreez... praise him
humidity: .5%
chance of rain: no chance
okay, so a little elementary school just got out and we are parked in their hood, borrowing their parents internet :)
so... today, we woke up and went to the gym!!!! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, we will not be obease when we return! ... then we ventured across to Albertsons to look for fruit deals and we got a card! (great money saver mom)
we got ready and go our M199s!! (our semester jobs)
me (adrianna)- kitchen every other weekend (fri-sun) as a server for the older women .. but hey, i get free shoes!!!!
mandy- A/V with Chaz! schedual, unkown
... after this we went to find new and better internet resourses...and alas! we bumped into Murriettas one and only "2nd Hand Treasures Store!" yes, we found a thrift shop!
as the past tends to repeat itself, we find ourselves purchasing necessary, hand crafed, original, clothings.... as you will see in the pictures...
.... i know many of you think, "how can these two college students afford these treasures?" ... do not fret blogworld!!! they were on sale!!! these two suits were half off... resulting in a fee of merely $4.00 ... TOTAL... yes, we said TOTAL....! Praise the Lord, He is Good!
we call em, our Glory Suits, as we give Him al the Praise and Glory :)
then we tried our new jackets and pants at the "Its and Grind" coffee joint... which required us to purchase 2 vanilla lates on ice.... :)
now we are here....
we have semester theme at 7pm and other misc. meetings... tomorrow we wake up at 8 for M199 meetins and other stuff....
so, the sun is moving and buring mandy.. which means we should go...
blog world, enjoy the pics...
we have the greatest fans ever... yes, im talking to you... :)
Prayer Requests:
* Rudy and the Marlett Family as they travel back to california
*some of our new bible college friends as the Lord speaks to them
*The Ulrichs bible study on monday nights
It is so good to see our girls hard at work seeking all the Lord has for them. Actually it is a very good way for us to keep our eyes on you two. We love you and will have some "good food" waiting for you when you get home.
Mom and Dad
I'm speechless.
Love the suits girls.
Hi! I am so excited to see that we can keep up with your crazy lives while you are at school.
My Mom would like you two to know that she used to have a sweet version of your "Glory Suits" in 1989, but it was the "Pretty in Pink" (according to my Dad.... eh) version consisting of a pullover hooded jacket and 'fine looking, hot shorts' all in the same glorious shade of amazing pink.
As far as the food selection goes, check out Godfathers pizza, you can always win there.
I hope and pray that you girls are enjoying this time that you have been called and set apart for! God has planes, be open to them!
Congrats on the M199's they are both pretty sweet! Anna.... this means I can come down on the weekends and you will be there! (well at least every other one!) and I will try to find a way to be in one of those old lady groups... I could pull it off! And Mandy…. Everything will sound just beautiful I know it!
I love you both and I am very proud of you guys! Way to be money savers, buying only the bare necessities for survival!
Thank you for the prayer request's, what a blessing it is to have one another!
Love you and we are praying for you guys!
Peace out!
oh! afterthought.... I am printing these two pictures of you in the "Glory Suits" and putting them on my desk at work! I love them THAT much!
Girls! You are crazy! I am glad you are having fun. I miss you both! The suits are so hot. Love you both, maybe Nick and I will come visit.
WOW!! that is all I got to say about that! :D
ok , so i'm not so great at math but i am guessing your drinks cost more than your neon outfits...
now that's a deal... or was it?
good to see you both taking school so seriously, ha
"smile on my face"
"creck in my neck" (sideway's photos)
hi girls! now this is fun....yes i finally got the right website digs! looks like you two have found the 80's again...even though you were technically only alive for less than one year in the "80's" this proves your maturity level/ age is beyond that of reminded me of your bathing suit when you were 2 the colors on your jog-suit are the same ....i have pictures to prove it.i'll be checking you adventures daily cause it's very interesting what you two come up with... pictures just say so much..... don't they? yip! it's not enough just talking to you on the cellie. we will see you on saturday, Lord willing, napoleon and pedro, love you, tu mama.
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