Tuesday, August 21, 2007

In the beginging......

SO God created this blog. He saw it and it was good.
Just messing with ya, so really we pretty much made this for all our "blog" friends back east...(halla)!!
well this will keep you posted on all of our adventures and sightings that happens in Bible college... (just click our blog alot so it looks like a bunch of people look at our sight!!)

hi! blog world... okay so ill probably be the more informative one of the duo :)
right now.. we have a orientation in like 40 minutes and we are currently on some neighborhood "borrowing" their internet service, cuz its 20 bucks at the college (phew,inflation) .. but we got our scheduals today, and we waited in line from 7:30 am to about 4:30pm literally the whole time!!!! so , i think its safe to say that the lesson today is patience and long suffereing. :)

we are making a lot of friends and our roomies are all unique. we will tell more later but i gotta get mandy off the phone and back to our cribs.

peace out yos!

love yall!



joshportfolio said...

awesome...great to hear you are waiting in line...believe me i put in my dues...but i think after i waited in line all that time they said...hey you want to give blood...i'm like sure and then after they removed a pint I fainted.

well i might be running two stories together...the fact is it was over 15 years ago...wow, I am OLD.

bible college held some great challenges and great blessings...but you don't usually get one without the other

- josh

timandleanne said...

you guys are crazy awesome...you guys have such a wonderful privilege to be there and to take it all in...don't make it sound like you totally were hating the lines...you all know that you loved it because you had to stand in line with a bunch of other college students and you got to meet a ton of cool people...so please, spare the pity party because we know that it was a total fiesta...you guys are going to have a blast...enjoy classes...tim

Seanybob said...

Patience is a virtue, they say...
which reminds me. I saw another saying.

"God give me patience, and GIVE IT TO ME NOW!!!"

ya, cracks me up everytime *wipes tear from eye*

anyways, I hope you both grow closer to our Maker on a daily basis, I'll ttys

Anonymous said...

Okay, wow, I just read through the rest of the "older posts"...and I have to confess, I did not even realize that you guys actually kept blogging throughout the semester...oops. :( I am totally bummed...but now I feel all caught up with your lives and I am excited to follow you through this next semester! Please forgive me for my lack of caring...I do love you guys!

Be SO blessed!