Hey blog world, tonight we come to you with a little bit of a more serious approach.
Though, like all the previous days it has been an adventure, it ended with a little bitter-sweet heart ache.
Today we had a few repettative dorm meetings followed by some nasty tuna sandwiches, which required us to drive on down to Wendys. After this we went back to chapel and met up with our new friend from Wisconson named Stuart (aka Stuie). He had some unfortunate news to tell us, and broke our hearts in doing so. Stuart has a series of cronic ceasures that have spaned over the past 3 years, and last night, he was attacked by another. With this news came the bummer news that he was going back home tomorrow! We had planned to all go to In-N-Out because he had never been there before, and he wanted to experience how a “ture” Californian feels. So with no delay, we went! It was amazing!.. he got two cheeseburgers and a fri (he didn’t know about the meals haha) … little stuie also treated us to our meals! Soo sweet! … you’ll see pictures of him and his spilt fries and everything ☺ …
After this life changing experience, we headed back down to evening chapel. This would be normal routine, except for the unexplainable, soft, mushy, warm, fuzzy, Im a good friend feeling that came over me. Im telling you, it was not me, it was for sure Jesus…
Ready? …yes blog world, I let mandy wilmoth get behing the clutch in my vehicle. 3 words …. Lord Have Mercy … don’t worry, im not gonna list the negatives, she did really good.. she just must have missed the part on the driving test about turning into another cars lane and then not knowing what to do, so instead she pulls half way out inot an on coming intersection when her light is red!!! I was half way home to heaven, when Jesus whisperd to me, “I am not ready for her to be left alone… and I NEED you as my most humble servant, she is a special one.. and she will never be able to drive in heaven as your reward”.. so, I mean, its Jesus, I had to go back…
So here we are, sitting at “It’s a grind”, sharing their internet. They are closed, and I think they forgot we were coming, so we are sitting outside on the curb. ☺
In reflection, I must say that the Lord spoke to me in a mighty way today. Probably, the first all week. As we have met some amazing people, we have soaked up all their personalities, and wondered how we appear to them. Its so hard not to judge people and the facades that are notoriously known. We have been blessed enough to meet some genuine people.. and have ourselves prayed to be shielded from “fitting in” and impressing people. The Lord is good, and has showed us what it truly means to be set apart.
This is going to be an amazing semester, with a plethora of opportunity, not only for others, but for us as well. We have sooo much to learn, and the Lord has brought some incredible people here to teach us. We are most excited to learn what He has to teach us about ourselves. Please join us in these prayers, (and for stuie too!) – our wisconson angel ☺
… sorry if this is all mish moshy, but I just worked out, and iam using it was my excuse.
..oh yeah, I got my food handlers permit today!!!! Se se puedu mama!!!!
Much love!
His daughter -anna