k so here we go...3 weeks let to earn money, pack our bags n say good bye!!
its officiall....we r both leavin FEB 1!!! we have been crazy enough to venture out together..the lord allowed this to happen in such an amazing way. we got tickets together to fly to heathrow london...then we will take a train to gatwick london!! adrianna and i in a foreign land by ourselves!! AMAZING i can't wait to see wat da lord is goin to do in these next couple of months... please pray or us as we both move alone...pray for clearity from the lord and that his will would be our desires. pray for our families that they wouldn't worry too much :)
we r gonna have a goin-away party on SUN JAN 27 at 3 pm...if u guys can make that would be so cool...but if ya can't...please send emails... skype...yahoo messenger...anything that we can update u on how we r doin n also see how u n ur familys r doing!!
mandy adrianna
Wow! I got to take that same trip on spring break a few years ago. London in AMAZING, guys. Calvary Chapel London is pretty sweet, too!
And Mandy...most of the guys there are black. :-)
oh snaps...u checkin this thing from dat phone of urs?
Ha ha, no. Just my computer.
Mandy & Adriana!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I already miss both of you two.
i hope you guys have lots of fun and i will check this daily hopefully...
hey looks like soooo much fun. hows the beach!! haha
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