Matthew 26: eleven
For you have the poor with you always, but Me you do not have always.
This is one of verses the Lord has given to me that has kept me in Bible College. I know I sound really dumb to even think of not finishing or "dropping out" but I have. It has actualy crossed my mind every semester. The same reasons come in to my head. God is so faithful to stick with me. Every four months I want to quit and start my own life somewhere else. But He always reminds me of scene in His life where He reminds Judas the same lesson. In John twelve Mary uses the most precious item she could ever own on the feet of Jesus and Judas as the audacity to stand and require her to give the fragrance to the poor.
In my life I want to be in ministry and help out everywhere (literally). But these years of Bible Collgeg are few and one day I will HAVE to "grow up" but right now He has given me a chance to soak it in. To gain and learn from great christian men and women. Now Judas's real intentions were to steal from the church. I was reminded this last week that there is absolutely no difference between Judas and I. CHemically we are made the same. This means that I am capable of doing such an evil thing. Many times we over look Judas and think "oh i will never be THAT bad" or "oh i could never do THAT" but we can. And its only by giving our life, mind, heart, and soul to Jesus everyday that stops us from commit these sins.
He is faithful to show us this and also reminding us of the grace given and mercy we receive. Romans eight:1 (there is) therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.
We must be walking in the Spirit. This could be uncomfortable many times. I have found in the church the Spirit wants to move and we often quinch the Spirit by stricktly just "doing things" I want to encourage you to fall back on the Holy Spirit. He is here. He is real. And the best part is that He wants to be here. For me walking in His Spirit means every four months (for now) I pray pray pray and wait until He reveals my next destination. I have fought many times. But the key is He KNOWS. Why don't we trust Him more? Why would we think we have it all figured out?
John 14: 16-17
And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever-- the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you.
Please pray as Adrianna and I head off to Spain for our third semester. Pray that our eyes will be open and our hearts ready and wiling to recieve. ANd pray for His will in both of our lives as we finish next year...only He knows what is to come