Tuesday, June 24, 2008
oh yea...
I GOT A JOB!!!.... and a tattoo....
man this week.... it goes by so fast!! i have been out here n good ol' kentucky for almost a month now... and wat an experience...
my days are filled wit laughter, tears, praises, and requests... and one things that never fails to happen is GOds faithfulness to meet me. it seems to get harder and harder to leave... this last time was rough.. but what a blessing it has been. CHar... wow girl u truly are amazing, it has been a joy n my life to b able to share these moments wit you and your family...thanks girl!!
k so we are still n preparation for our summer bible club happening next month... n july on friday nights... u guys can b praying for us as we pray through specific teachings, skits, snacks, crafts and even games... its gonna b awesoome!! please pray for the other families here too... jen and gabe, the dewitts, butoras.... we all want to b used by the LORD and just need direction and guidance...
well u all might have heard n some way or another a huge praise!! I GOT A JOB!!!
MC DONALDS here i come!!! lol... if kentucky wasn't bad enough... i will start my new job next monday!! haha... im sure u will all have a good laugh or two about that one!!... pics will b comin dont u worry...
next big thing.. tattoo... yup i finally did it... (thanks mom ;)) it is the hand print of Jesus wit his blood stain which he died for me... i love it!! it looks almost too real... people ask me it a got smacked so hard it left their finger prints hahaha...
its been such an incredible time to be here and to be apart of what the lord is doing here....
thanks for the prayers!!!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
His Tears
Opening the door i see the three. Entering one by one, i greet each with a loving hug and brotherly kiss. We make our way to the living room, open up the blinds for grandmas comfort, turn on the light for grandpas eyes, and make it comfy for tina's leisure. We all sit and converse about the days events and wait for dad to come out and mom to come home , meanwhile we comment on tina's pink precious moments bible thats she has kept since we were the little croutons we were. As dad finally come out and adds his Bible to the other four on the coffee table, all noise ceases. In the midst of this family genesis, grandpa takes the first words.
Scooting to the edge of the rocking chair, "I want to take this moment to say a little something." My heart sinks and beats as i see his eyes being intruded with tears and voice crack with sincerity. "I want to say thank you. Thank you for finally having this. God is so good, and He answers prayers. We have prayed this for a long time Mija. I pray that we would just give this up to the Lord right now. Remember this day. Remember this day in June. But most of all Mija, I pray that you guys would continue this. I want to see my family delivered. Listen Mija, when we are gone, I want this still to continue, even when we are gone. We love you. and the Lord loves you." With the side of my hand, i wipe my tears from each cheek. Giggling, as i look at my dad and cousin do the same. Heart and mind ready, I speak. "Turn to the book of Ephesians. Let's pray..."
Starting us off with verses one and two I felt an unfamiliar beauty. This was the first time the Word of the Lord was ever spoken out loud in my own home. What was more beautiful and completely unforgettable was what followed. Another unfamiliar beauty was heard, as my dad, grandma, grandpa, and cousin tina continued to read through the first chapter of Ephesians. Stopping in the middle of the chapter, my grandma began to comment on Pauls letter to Ephesus. So excited and eager, I threw out all that i had learned in Mallorca. So naturally, I began to share of these Ephesians and their richness in the Lord, yet their ignorance which completely became a mask. I shared about our eternal hope we have and just the different desires that Paul was writing about. Before I could finish my thoughts, my grandpa took over, then soon after my dad began to converse. For the next hour I sat on my couch watching the Lord light up each person in that living room. What an inexplicable joy it was to hear my own father tell my own grandfather and grandmother what the Lord has been filling his heart with. Hearing about their convictions, weaknesses, realizations, and praises... my words quickly became replaced with smiles.
To look at a 4 year prayer be answered right in front of my eyes... now that folks, is true happiness. To see my dad sit on the very couch he drank and instead have a Bible in his hand... that is just the birth of a new baby boy. And to see MY HOUSE as a gathering place for prayer and a Bible study... now that, that is just a glimpse of how faithful My God is.
After an hour and a half of questions, laughs, sharing, and reading we decided my dad needed to stop "sharing" because we all had work in the morning. :) And with prayer requests for the deliverance of my other 44+ family members, and a new kidney for my grandma, I had the privilege of lifting my family up and thanking Him for all that He is.....
It truly takes the Lord, and nothing else to soften a heart to cry. Yes, I claim Fox and the Hound and the death of the elderly in movies as my tear-jerker moments, BUT tonight was truly the first time I have cried since last September, when the Lord completely broke me. Though the most perfect realization between that moment and now is that this time, the Lord gave me not my own tears, but instead shared with me His.
And for that, I know My God is Mighty To Save.
i love you all,
Thursday, June 12, 2008
first of all a job... where ever the lord wants me to work i want to... i turned n an application at michaels the other day n we are jus waiting on a phone call... but the lord knows how to provide....
my computer broke while we were road trippin.. i dont know how n i dont know whats wrong wit it...so i need to take it to circut city but its n louisville bout 1 hr away... so i have to find time to do that...
my mom is coming out here to visit next week!! n she hopefully will bring my camara which was broken from hungary... so know i will b back n action...
its been sooo much fun out here livin wit the marletts they r amazing!!! we have a womens bible study today n i will b taking care of ALL the kids... pretty crazy... more prayer needed :)