O M G so bloggers, we toootally cant even remember what we are supposed to talk about...
OKay, so starting from last friday... yes, that day that mandy lost her driving privilages...
So, we went out to claim jumper for kaitlin's 19th bday, and it was good! as you can see...
so mandy had to hurry and drop me off back at school for my M1, and again, out of the kindness of my heart, i let her drive my car back to claim jumper to pick up kaitlin and the check... so, i got dropped off. AAAND to my dismay, as i was serving the little ladies (lisa coronado), mandy was, how should i put this, .... LOST in MY STICK SHIFT car in PRIME time TRAFFFIIICCC!!!! for not only a few minutes, no, that would be too lame of a story, but instaed she decided to get lost for and HOUR and TEN minutes!!! oh my gosh, why dont i ever learn my lessons?? SO, our weekend started off with mandy soiling my seat due to scaredom and fear of shifting on temecula hills...
The rest of the weekend was pretty chill, we went out to dinner with a few friends, and AGAIN got lost for about 3 hours... who knows, dont ask...
WE finished our block ladies and gents!! yes, hermenutics is done!!!! IBS was completed with an 11 page paper on our testimonies haha!... ha ha oh buddy, that paper was super hard
then the weekend....
I - went to a few shows and hung out with the familia... we did a kidney awareness walk in ontario that was pretty sweet.... KAT walk 3 miles..... so fun..OH and i brought my roomie Sona home with me, yes, she is blessed... haha
Mandy- Stayed here (home) for the weekend and hung out with kaitlin and made some new buddies, and had ice cream and went to olive garden and stuff.. ya, know holy stuff......
so, here we are... on the coffee shop couch, in a blanket. Waiting for our friends to hurry so we can cruise the cheap seats. We have no class. we have no homework. all we have is "Tiiiiiiime is on my side, oh yes it is"
so , for al you who care about our education..... pray.
cuz for the next three weeks, we are going to try to fill our time with creativity and money saving memories for You, the bloggers....